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Video series on advanced prostate cancer management with Radium-223
1. Radium-223 in Clinical Practice
Learn about the development and unique properties of Radium-223.
2. Clinical Evidence for Radium-223
Explore findings from the pivotal ALSYMPCA trial and its impact on treatment.
3. Patient Selection for Radium-223
Understand criteria for selecting ideal candidates and the role of patient education.
4. Monitoring During Radium-223 Treatment
Discover essential monitoring practices for effective patient management.
5. Post-Radium-223 Treatment Options
Discuss next steps for patients after completing Radium-223 therapy.
Watch the recordings to enhance your understanding of advanced prostate cancer management.
Daniel Heinrich, MD
Chief Physician and Head of Clinical Trial Unit Department of Medical and Radiation Oncology and Centre for Palliative Care Division Gjøvik / Lillehammer Innlandet Hospital Trust
President Norwegian Association of Oncology
Joe O'Sullivan
Professor of Radiation Oncology Queen's University Belfast
Senior Consultant Prostate Oncologist The Northern Ireland Cancer Centre Belfast City Hospital
Welcome video
Join Dr. Daniel Heinrich, a clinical oncologist from Norway, and Dr. Joe O'Sullivan from Belfast, Northern Ireland, as they share their insights on managing advanced prostate cancer.
Introduction to Radium-223 in clinical practice
Dr. Daniel Heinrich and Dr. Joe O'Sullivan discuss the development of Radium-223 as a treatment for prostate cancer. They provide an overview of its historical context, including early radioligand therapies, and explain the unique properties of Radium-223 as an alpha emitter. Join them as they share insights from clinical trials and key milestones in the evolution of this important therapy.
Introduction to clinical evidence for Radium-223
Dr. Daniel Heinrich and Dr. Joe O'Sullivan delve into the clinical evidence supporting the use of Radium-223, with a particular focus on the pivotal ALSYMPCA trial2. They discuss its impact on overall survival and the significance of the study's design. The conversation also explores the relevance of these findings in the current treatment landscape and the lessons learned from other studies, including the ERA-223 trial3. Join them as they evaluate the role of Radium-223 in managing metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.
Introduction to patient selection for Radium-223
Dr. Daniel Heinrich and Dr. Joe O'Sullivan discuss the criteria for selecting patients for Radium-223 treatment in advanced prostate cancer. They explore the characteristics of ideal candidates, the importance of thorough assessments, and the role of patient education regarding treatment expectations.
Introduction to monitoring and management during Radium-223 treatment
Dr. Daniel Heinrich and Dr. Joe O'Sullivan discuss their standard monitoring practices for patients undergoing Radium-223 treatment. They cover essential assessments, including clinical evaluations and blood work, as well as the importance of bone protection during therapy. Join them as they outline their approach to patient management throughout the treatment cycle and considerations for follow-up care.
Introduction to post-radium-223 treatment options
Dr. Daniel Heinrich and Dr. Joe O'Sullivan discuss the next steps for patients who have completed six cycles of Radium-223 treatment. They explore considerations for ongoing management, including symptom control and potential subsequent therapies.
Thank you for watching. For additional information on Xofigo and its use in advanced prostate cancer treatment, please visit our website. You will find resources and clinical information to assist in understanding this therapy.
- Xofigo® SPC 09/2023 Return to content
- Parker C, Nilsson S, Heinrich D, et al. Alpha emitter radium- 223 and survival in metastatic prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2013;369(3):213-223. Return to content
- Smith M, Parker C, Saad F, et al. Addition of radium-223 to abiraterone acetate and prednisone or prednisolone in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer and bone metastases (ERA 223 ): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2019; 20: 408–19 Return to content
Monoterapi eller behandling i kombinasjon med gonadotropinfrigjørende hormon (GnRH) analog av voksne med metastatisk kastrasjonsresistent prostatakreft (mCRPC) med symptomgivende benmetastaser og ingen kjente viscerale metastaser ved sykdomsprogresjon etter minst 2 tidligere linjer med systemisk behandling av mCRPC (annet enn GnRH analoger), eller når annen tilgjengelig systemisk mCRPC behandling er uegnet.
Skal kun håndteres av autoriserte personer i kliniske omgivelser etter vurdering av kvalifisert lege. Doseregimet er 55 kBq per kg kroppsvekt, fordelt på 6 injeksjoner med 4 ukers intervaller. Volumet som skal gis beregnes slik: Volum (ml) = (Kroppsvekt (kg) × 55 kBq/kg) ÷ (DK-faktor × 1100 kBq/ml).
De vanligst bivirkningene (≥ 10 %) av Xofigo® er diaré, kvalme, oppkast, trombocytopeni og benfraktur. Benmargssuppresjon er rapportert, og en hematologisk vurdering må gjøres før hver dose. Sikkerhet og effekt ved Crohns sykdom og ulcerøs kolitt er ikke undersøkt. Xofigo skal kun administreres etter grundig nytte-/risikovurdering ved akutt inflammatorisk tarmsykdom. Xofigo er kontraindisert i kombinasjon med abirateronacetat og prednison/prednisolon. Anbefales ikke å brukes: i kombinasjon med andre systemiske kreftlegemidler enn LHRH-analoger, hos pasienter med kun asymptomatiske benmetastaser, hos pasienter med lavt nivå av osteoblastiske benmetastaser. Ved mildt symptomatiske benmetastaser bør nytten av behandlingen veies opp mot risikoen. Ved ˂ 6 benmetastaser er risiko for frakturer økt og overlevelse ikke signifikant bedret. Benstatus skal vurderes nøye og forebyggende tiltak som bruk av bisfosfonater eller denosumab skal vurderes før oppstart.
Se felleskatalogtekst for mer informasjon, merk spesielt kontraindikasjoner, forsiktighetsregler, interaksjoner og bivirkninger. Basert på SPC: 09/2023.
XOFIGO er innført av Beslutningsforum til behandling av kastrasjonsresistent prostatakreft med symptomgivende benmetastaser.
Maksimalpris: 1100 kBq/ml (6 ml (hettegl.)) 51 979,30 kr.
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MA-XOF-NO-0009-2, 11.2024